July 18, 2008


Some art can be "monet" (monet: when it's far, it looks nice but when it's rite in front of u, it's... errr...yuck!!) But not this one... It is one of a kind of art... Trust me... It looks as if u're wearing the top with a high waisted skirt/ pants... ssswwweeetttt... U can either choose the Yellow Picasso or the Maroonish Picasso or the Green Picasso or maybe all three.... hehheee.
Maroonish Picasso

Green Picasso

By the way, there's a ribbon behind....

Size: XS & S & M
Material: Semi sheer printed chiffon bodice top with elastic rib knit midriff
Status: Green (SOLD)
Yellow (SOLD)
Maroonish (SOLD)
It's urs for only RM39


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